I remember my cousins screaming and rolling on the floor when this song came on the radio, sort of like me and Seasons In The Sun.  Of course, I didn't hate this song.  I just didn't give a crap one way or another.  It was kind of like Barry Manilow, other than the "American Bandstand Theme" (which I still think is ultimately listenable), I just ignored it. 

Hey, ramblin' boy, why don't you (like) get a job?

That's about all I think.

This was one of the early songs on which I honed my bullshit detector, before I even knew there was such a thing as a bullshit detector.  Selah.

Since I was unemployed when I initially did this entry, I decided for accuracy's sake to look this one up.   I think the version of it I remember was recorded by Glenn Campbell.  It was written by Dave Loggins and originally recorded on one of his solo albums. 

In case the name was niggling at the back of your brain, yes --
he is, indeed, the cousin of enormous waste of beard Kenny Loggins, whose career high point seems to have been having written a song that a puppet groundhog danced to in a video used to promote Caddyshack, the only decent movie Brian Doyle-Murray (brother of Bill Murray, so WTF with the 'Doyle' stuff -- was there another, even more obscure Brian Murray in the Screen Actors' Guild no human being has ever seen or heard of, or something?) ever did.  Which is considerably better than Jim Belushi has ever done.

Oh, let's not forget -- he also did that one song from Kevin Bacon's big movie.  What movie was that?  What song was that? 


Kenny Loggins shaved off the beard? 

Kenny Loggins had a beard? 

Does that mean he wasted all that testosterone growing facial hair when he could have been channeling it into writing halfway decent pop songs instead of schlock like he wrote? 

Dammit, I don't need more existential questions to plague me beyond the end of my life!