There's a handful of perfectly decent songs, recorded by very talented musicians, that got played so many times I want to retch every time I even think of them.  This is one of them.

Dave Mason.  Let me run a few names past you:  Spencer Davis Group.   Traffic.  Fleetwood Mac.  These were all projects to which Dave Mason contributed, in some capacity or other.  They were and/or are largely worthwhile projects, with histories of listenable music, decent vocalists and acceptably punchy lyrics.

This song is, by far, one of the minority of songs listed  -- a decent song I actually liked at one time.  Fewer than half of the songs meet that qualification, I guaran-dang-tee it.  I can't imagine why these songs were the ones that made an impression on me for almost thirty years now, all of them.  We Just Disagree doesn't qualify as a bad AM hit, of course -- it wasn't bad; wasn't bombastic or oleaginous or inductive of homicidal rages in otherwise putatively normal people [me].  It wasn't even a whiny 'you left me' love song -- it was fairly conciliatory.

Why the f*ck did all the AM radio stations in Cincinnati play it and play it and play it and play it and play it until it made me gag or start looking for something slender and sharp with which to pierce my eardrums and, perhaps, my brain?

It's a mystery, folks.  Even the good ones got papped out from overplay.