1457 Suite (10 verses)

1457 Suite -- v.1

There's a photo somewhere
Of where I once lived.
I saw mountains out the window
Each morning for two years.
I faced them over my old
Remington Rand.
They never laughed, nor did they
But in some fashion, at
Some level,
I wrote for them.
Fat lot they cared.
But they'll always be there.

1457 Suite -- v.2

Your moon painted a smudge on the
Railroad tracks for the ATSF
As I traveled down the high desert
One winter night.
It was a nice moon, mostly full,
A little blue. Your sky was heavy,
Dark, empty and full of stars.
Your creosote-bush and
Ocotillo feathered the light
Once in a while, arid mischief.
I've retouched that image
A million times in my mind.
It's a fine image, still so bright; it never
Grows old or wears out.
I may try to die with it in my mind,
Some years down the road.
And I never even sent you a card.

1457 Suite -- v.3

Hallowe'en, ran to the store late
For something, coffee, who knows?
Three AmerInd teenagers, doing their
Level best to look
Innocent as kittens,
Sprang from a pickup truck as I came out
The automatic doors.
It was cold, I was alone, they were
Running straight at me...
For half a second I held my breath.
Then one of them winked at me,
Snatched a pumpkin from a crate,
Tossed it to one of the others,
And they were back in the truck
And on the street.
Right down the middle of Indian Wells,
I was half a block behind as
They laughed, the two in the back
Fell about, clutching pumpkin
While the driver swerved, no dignity.
I was still laughing when the DPS car's
Lights flashed in my rearview,
Moved out of the way just as the
Pumpkin made a bomb,
There on the pavement and
The boy who'd winked at me
Fished for his I.D.

1457 Suite -- v.4

One night there were four of us
In the car.
Driving fast up from El Paso,
Through the desert, flat out.
The headlights caught two emeralds
Floating above the road.
Brakes screaming, the old Toyota
Just did manage to halt.
Coyote laughed, tongue lax,
In some way, you always stop
For him out there...

1457 Suite -- v.5

Kirk Chaves said to me once,
All painful sincerity,
(he was eighteen and I was
twenty-three) "You are
So lucky, Melinda. You
Seem to know so well
Who you are.
That seems impossible
To me right now..."
I laughed so hard, he
Looked hurt.
"Kirk, don't waste your
Envy. I don't actually
Know who I am. I
Just know who I'm not.
Anybody can learn that."

1457 Suite -- v.6

She felt like the arms
Of a profligate courtesan,
Too generous one day,
Distant the next.
I've never had a woman
As a lover,
But the Lady-On-The-Rock
Still cuts through and makes
My breath come hard, a
Rainbow for her scarf,
Blade-edged foothills
Risen from nothing but sage,
As the mist boiled off
The pavement under my wheels.

1457 Suite -- v.7

New York Dolls, Bob Dylan,
Naked Lunch, chamomile tea
With honey,
Pinstripe flares, philosophy,
Lentil Thanksgiving dinner.
All your happy, sleepy kids strung
Across the room like puppies,
Half-naked and in love with life.
I never met kids like that
Before or since.
I came back years later,
And little had changed,
Though the kids were older,
Smarter and less sleepy,
You still put on
The New York Dolls;
We still talked philosophy.
And your novel
About Elvis and the aliens.

1457 Suite -- v.8

Jeremy Ryan was born here,
Out of a mind infatuated with desert,
Rock and terra cotta dust,
Chittering cottonwoods,
Catalpa trees.
His big hands meant for music
Built houses for years and years.
I couldn't give him the oasis,
Until they took the desert
Away from me.
One of us had to wring
Something sustaining from my grief.

1457 Suite -- v.9

You make your own way, out there.
Air between you and the sky,
There isn't much to guide your thoughts.
You have to take care of yourself,
Choose what to think, where your mind
It still felt like potential was left
In the land under my feet;
Perhaps because
For the first time in my life,
It felt like potential was coiled
In the brain in my head.
Coyotes still sang to my
Fat house cat
Beneath the window at night,
And nothing obstructed
Either sunrise or sunset.
Left alone to contemplate
Grand landscape,
A tree grew inside
That could never have grown
Precisely that way
Any other place.

1457 Suite -- v.10

I wish I'd been braver,
Loved her more with my feet,
Less with my wheels.
Taken more time to sit
And listen to her, Spoken to her more often
And more deeply
Than I already did.
Lived my life less by habit
And more by landscape.
I miss the old lady
Who lay under her pink and green
Blanket, her profile
Turned forever into the sunset;
The musical instrument of the desert
Played by the ubiquitous wind.
All the little and big
Animals, there and gone,
And the blistering brashness
Of the sun; the bombast
Of the moon, winter and summer,
Hung like a medallion;
Reward to the sky for giving light.
It's not the same here, reading
Her song on paper.
It's like reading about religion,
"Dancing about architecture,"
A little, trying to find her
In someone else's words.
She isn't there.
She isn't there...

This series of poems was written about my time in New Mexico (duh), the "1457" was the exact mileage that we registered between Cincinnati and Alamogordo, NM on the trip out.


Bends and breaking leave one twisted,
Leave another curved,
Arced into beauty, Bonsai, listed
Into light, steel-nerved
For each next moment, listening
With each inch of life,
Trembling on glistening
Moment, silver knife
of backbone, oh... so... ready.


Mourning does not become Electra.
She's had it with black, had it with
Regretful voices on the telephone,
Solicitous stares.

She was waiting for the wind,
Now she feels bound by the black dress,
Chained in the dark gloves
Grief ordains for her lively hands.

Spot her after dark, she's on some street
Where nobody knows her,
She's taking life's sweetness
In ounces and a half
Because they're not allowed her
In larger portions.


I do not dream.
The alpha of my brain winds people
Through other people, their hands
Around each other's hands, and I
Dedicate it to paper,
But in the night, when the
Doppelgangers of vague electricity
Bring beauty and fear,
Images and dark visions to
Other people,
Stupid recollections, the
Frightening, fascinating
Contrast and juxtaposition
Of tattered-wrapper memory
With the much-beloved...
Well. Okay.
Once in a while I awaken
With the vague, fading memory
Of having driven my car
Down a familiar street.
I do not dream.

Trick or Treat

The border between
Lust and passion,
Between hunger and appetite
Was revealed to me
By the prosaic Mr. Jones
Who, after a dry and somehow
Ancient kiss,
Traced the line
For the Central Time Zone
With a fingertip.

While grateful for the lesson,
I lost a little skin
Off my nose

But no lesson about
Lust or hunger
Comes without the
Ignition of flesh
And I know, now,
The costumes they wear
When pretending to be nobler.

Trick or treat.